side dishes

A sweet and sour dressing complements the sweet nuttiness of whole grains in this tasty side.Read more
Tzimmes is a traditional Jewish dish often served during Rosh Hashanah. The carrots symbolize gold coins and prosperity.Read more
This savory, vitamin-rich casserole makes a hearty accompaniment to roasted poultry or ham, or atop baked polenta.Read more
This tasty latke variation can be enjoyed with applesauce, chipotle sour cream, horseradish sauce, smoked fish and more!Read more
The tanginess of goat cheese balances out the sweetness of the figs in these sweet and savory turnovers.Read more
Sweet meets savory in this wonderful fall dish accented by pecans and goat cheese with just a hint of nutmeg.Read more
This tasty salad is redolent of classic Mediterranean flavors, with ancient farro, olive oil, dates, feta, and cinnamon.Read more
These green bean "fries" are nearly addictive as a snack or served along with sandwiches.Read more
Wild rice, the grain that's not actually rice, gives this pilaf a delicious nutty flavor and chewy texture.Read more
Bowl of Quinoa Salad with Sweet Potatoes and Peppers
Quinoa has such a nutty, mild flavor making it a natural fit for pairing with sweet vegetables and a touch of honey.Read more
