Belfast Community Co-op

123 High Street
Belfast, ME 04915
United States
(207) 338-2532

Located in the heart of downtown Belfast, Maine, the Belfast Community Co-op has been serving our area since 1976. Everyone is welcome to shop at the Co-op; it is our mission and our pleasure to bring locally sourced, reasonably priced, organic and natural products to all.

Food co-ops are similar to regular grocery stores in many ways, but it’s the differences that make us special! The Belfast Community Co-op is a full-service market plus a resource that is owned by you, our community. While everyone is welcome to shop, eat and hang out at the Co-op, owners receive added benefits.

When you shop at a co-op, you are buying into a better world. The Belfast Community Co-op is here for you so that everyone will always have reliable, safe access to good, local food.

Belfast Community Co-op. Owned by you. Food for all.