kid friendly

From top to bottom, this sweet, sticky cake is all about the wonderful flavors of almonds and honey.Read more
A great introduction for those unfamiliar with tempeh, and an easy recipe for a protein rich sandwich filling.Read more
Maple Chocolate Tofy Pudding topped with chocolate chips and toasted almonds
This simple and delicious dessert holds appeal far beyond for tofu lovers.Read more
These spring rolls transform salad and a little tofu into tasty finger food. Served with a savory peanut dipping sauce.Read more
This easy and elegant parfait makes any meal or occasion just a little more special.Read more
Creamy, lush avocado puree stands in for the bananas and replaces some of the fat with buttery avocado goodness.Read more
Brownies are a perfect place to slip in creamy avocado for some of the butter for fewer calories, more nutrients and pure deliciousness.Read more
These sweet, four ingredient, no-bake dessert bites are a delicious addition to holiday cheese or cookie trays.Read more
This tasty latke variation can be enjoyed with applesauce, chipotle sour cream, horseradish sauce, smoked fish and more!Read more
Walnuts and maple syrup add crunchy sweetness to these delicious, moist, deep orange pancakes.Read more
